Parashat Mishpatim (laws) Ex. 21:1 - 24:18
HafTorah Jeremiah 34:8 - 22, Jeremiah 33:25 - 26

Dear friends,
This has been a difficult week for many, and especially for two of our members who have lost loved ones. I am sorry to report the death of Elaine Spence, the mother of Cheri Goldberg and the death of Dennis Pearl, the cousin of Barbara D. Johnson. May Cheri and Barbara and their families be comforted together with all other mourners, may they be blessed with the memories of their loved ones, and may they no more sorrow. We hope that will also take comfort within our welcoming synagogue community.
This week, we read and study chapters 23 and 24 of the portion of Mishpatim in the Book of Exodus. After receiving the Ten Commandments in last week's sedrah (Parashat Yitro), the children of Israel now are presented with many new mitzvot (commandments) to help separate themselves from their former lives in slavery and begin to develop a moral society. It is a moral code that we continue to live by. The portion ends with Moses ascending the mountain to receive the laws, a trip that will last 40 days. Moses's absence will lead later to the Israelites backsliding which reminds us about the difficulty in making the huge transition from servitude to holiness and self-governing.
Our Haftorah is from the prophesy of Jeremiah who warns of the consequences of not following the legal and moral codes that are presented in the Torah this week.
I am looking forward to davening and studying with you as we expand these themes at our Shabbat services tonight at 7:30 pm and tomorrow at 9:30 am in-person and/or as always, virtually on zoom.
See you in shul!
Ron Becker,
Spiritual Leader
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