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Weekly Message 02.25.22 Parashat Vayakhel

Parashat Vayakhel ("and he assembled") Exodus 35:1 - 38:20

2nd Torah - Shekelim Exodus 30:11 - 16

HafTorah - Kings II 11:17 - 12:17

Dear friends,

I hope you had an enjoyable week and took advantage of the beautiful sunny days! We are about to embark on the spring holiday season and to prepare for Purim and Pesach.

We begin with the first of four special Shabbatot to help us get ready for this wonderful time of the year. This Shabbat, we celebrate Shabbat Shekalim which always takes place on the Shabbat immediately preceding Rosh Chodesh Adar, or in the case of a leap year which we are now in, the Shabbat immediately preceding Rosh Chodesh

Adar 2. It is named for the "shekel", the coin that was used in ancient times and represented the gift of a half shekel by all to be used for the construction and upkeep of the Mishkan and later for the Temple itself. Our weekly portion, Vayakheil near the end of the Book of Exodus provides much detail regarding the ornate construction materials used. All people are to participate in this collection, acts that symbolize that all must share in achieving communal goals and as quoted from the Art Scroll Chumash, "one who does so gains infinite benefit because the mission is dependent upon the unity of the whole". It is with this understanding that we raise funds for the welfare of the community at all times, but especially at Purim.

As we prepare for this special Shabbat, we are dismayed by the news from Eastern Europe with the incursion into the sovereign nation of Ukraine by Russia. We pray for a quick peaceful resolution and for the health and safety of the residents of Ukraine. We recall the horror of the Holocaust where Ukrainian Jews were slaughtered by the thousands punctuated by the mass murders at Babi Yar adjacent to the capital city of Kyiv. There are over 40,000 Jewish families including President Zelensky residing peacefully in that nation, many of whom are facing poverty and isolation. We pray that they and all others remain safe.

We'll pray and study together tonight at 7:30 pm and tomorrow at 9:30 am in-person and on zoom. I hope to see you then and wish you a Shabbat Shalom, Ron

Ron Becker,

Spiritual Leader



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Topic: Shabbat Service

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Topic: Saturday Service

Time: Feb 26, 2022 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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