Parashat Va'etchanan ("I Entreated") - Deuteronomy 3:23 - 7:11
HafTorah - Isaiah 40:1 - 26

Dear friends,
With the observance of Tisha B'Av and all of its implications now freshly behind us, we begin the seven-week period of "consolation" which includes the weekly chanting of the words of the Prophet Isaiah. These Haftaroth emphasize compassion, comfort, forgiveness, and the continuing compact with Hashem despite a less than stellar record of complying with the mitzvot and the resulting suffering which followed and continues into the 21st century. This Shabbat is aptly named Shabbat Nachamu as this week's Haftorah begins Nachamu, Nachamu Ami (comfort My people, comfort them). After the seven-week period which begins now, we will enter the High Holy Days of the year 5784 prepared to face life's challenges and rewards with more spiritual clarity.
This Shabbat's Torah portion V'Etchanan continues Moses's discourses to the Hebrew nation as they are about to cross into the Holy Land without him. He announces his unsuccessful pleadings with Hashem to join them in entering the land and then repeats the Ten Commandments and continues his exhortations and warnings about the consequences of not following them. This is followed by our central prayer, the Shema.

Please join me in-person or virtually on Zoom as we embark on the seven-week preparation for the High Holy Days this Shabbat tonight at 7:30 pm and tomorrow morning at 9:30 am.
Shabbat Shalom!
Ron Becker,
Spiritual Leader
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Topic: Saturday Services, 07/29/2023, 9:30 am
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