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Corrected Weekly Message 11.22.19


Dear friends, after another very busy and fruitful week of attending and speaking at community events, we have another full agenda for the Shabbat pre-Thanksgiving weekend beginning with services Friday evening at 7:30 pm and Saturday morning at 9:30 am. We will continue reading from the Book of Genesis with the first third of the portion Chaya Sarah, the Life of Sarah. This is a bit of misnomer since Sarah leaves the scene at the beginning of the sedrah. Rather it is the depiction of Abraham's life after Sarah and the marriage of his son Isaac. There is much material to be considered regarding immigration and being "strangers" in the land. I will be speaking on the history of Thanksgiving and why the holiday is especially important those of the Jewish faith.

On Sunday, Eileen Hochstadt's adult Hebrew class will meet an hour earlier than usual at 11 am rather than 12 noon. This is because I will be in Tampa to deliver a D'var Torah and speak about the history of the Pasco Jewish community on the Sunday Simcha show beginning at 1 pm on WMNF 88.5 radio. If you are interested in tuning in and can't get 88.5 on your radio, simply click on

and then on "listen on demand". If you're busy on Sunday, the show can still be accessed there all of the following week.

Looking forward to spending Shabbat with you and wishing you all a happy and meaningful Thanksgiving, Ron

Ron Becker

Spiritual Leader

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