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Weekly Message 01.01.2021 Parachat - Vayechi


Parachat-Vayechi (and he lived) Genesis 47:28 - 50:26

HafTorah I Kings 2:1-12

Dear friends,

Happy New Year!

May it be a year of full recovery and one of peace, good health and sanity for all.

Looking back at the past year of trial and tribulation, we have managed to stay close to each other and even got to celebrate Hanukkah. By now, you should have received the latest issue of the Jewish Press (vol 35, no 11 December18, 2020-January 14, 2021) and in it you will find a nice little illustrated article on our Hanukkah exhibition on the bottom half of page 8.

We gather tonight to begin 2021 by closing out the first book of the Torah, reading and studying the last sedrah, portion Vayechi. So, after 12 weeks of reading the Book of Genesis, we conclude with "Israel in Egypt". As his life nears its end, Jacob blesses his sons and his grandsons Ephraim and Menasseh in a way that is only unique to Jacob and asks to be buried with his "fathers" in the holy land. Joseph forgives his brothers, predicts that they will not be in Egypt forever and that when he dies, that his bones be taken with them back to the promised land. This of course sets the stage for the darkest period in our history and the eventual liberation from slavery and 40-year journey back to Israel. All of this is detailed in the second book of the Torah (Exodus) which we will begin to read next week. Our Haftorah this week is from the Book of Kings and recounts the last days of David King his instructions to his son Solomon who will succeed him to the throne. It is a difficult passage to understand as part of these words contain acts of revenge. We will discuss those and more tonight at our service beginning at 7:30 pm in person and on Zoom and tomorrow morning at 9:30 am also in person and on Zoom.

Looking forward to beginning the new secular year of 2021 with you!


Ron Becker,

Spiritual Leader


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Time: Jan 2, 2021 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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