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Weekly Message 02.04.2022 Parashat Terumah

Parashat Terumah (gift or offering) Ex. 25:1 - 27:19

HafTorah Kings I 5:26 - 6:13

Dear friends,

As we have embarked on a new month (Adar I) where we are commanded to "increase our joy", we end another tumultuous week. Our focus was once again riveted on anti-Semitism this time over the careless remarks of a dear friend of our faith, Whoopie Goldberg.

Fortunately, it has given Ms. Goldberg, the world around us, and ourselves, the opportunity to reflect on the lack of knowledge concerning race hate in general and specifically about the significance of the Holocaust. To her credit, Goldberg made it very clear how hurtful her words were, and that she was terribly mistaken in assuming that just because Ashkenazic Jews are generally fair skinned, that they were not considered to be a race. We need to double down on fighting hatred and bigotry no matter how small and seemingly trivial, because as the Holocaust teaches us, small acts lead to bigger ones especially if they are accompanied by silence from those who know better.

As we are commanded to "increase our joy" this month, I am doing so personally by celebrating the anniversary of my Bar Mitzvah this Shabbat. I was fortunate to be assigned Parashat Terumah in the Book of Exodus. In this portion, we learn of the construction of the construction and furnishings of the Tabernacle in all its minute detail. And the Haftorah which follows, teaches the very same thing, but now regarding the construction and furnishings of the Holy Temple by King Solomon.

At first glance, we might ask ourselves "why all of this complex detail--why not just state the obvious?" As we grow older and continue to live out our lives and to read and study this portion, we realize that nothing in life should be done in haste without regard to detail. This not only includes building in construction, but building relationships, faith, and holy communities. Rather than jumping to quick conclusions and becoming angry as many did when Ms. Goldberg made her unfortunate comments, we need to see it as a learning opportunity just as she did and use it to better our lives and those around us. When we read and study, we need to glean as much as we can from it rather than just a "quick read" so that we learn true meaning and empathy.

Please join me to ensure a minyan to help celebrate this milestone in my personal journey by joining in for Shabbat services tonight at 7:30 pm and tomorrow morning at 9:30 am either in-person or on Zoom. May the months of Adar (there are two of them on this leap year 5782) bring you an increase in joy and continued health and safety.

Shabbat Shalom!

Ron Becker,

Spiritual Leader



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Topic: Saturday Morning Service

Time: Feb 5, 2022 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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