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Weekly Message 02.09.2024 Parashat Mishpatim

Parashah - Mishpatim (ordinances) Exodus 21:1 - 24:18

HafTorah Isaiah 66:1-24, Isaiah 66:23

Dear friends,

We are about to embark on a special Shabbat as it occurs on the same day as Rosh Chodesh Adar I. Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh only occur together rarely in our Hebrew lunar calendar, so we are privileged to celebrate them both at once!

We add the chanting of Hallel, a special Torah reading from the Book of Bamidbar, and a Haftorah from the Prophet Isaiah ending with "at new moon after new moon, and Shabbat after Shabbat, all will come to worship Adonai" all making for a more festive service this Shabbat morning.

The main Torah reading will be from the Book of Exodus, Parashat Mishpatim where a series of mitzvot is given to the Hebrew nation to supplement the Ten Commandments which we read last week. These include laws about treatment of slaves, damages, loans, returning lost property, the Sabbath, the sabbatical year, holidays, and destroying idolatry. The portion ends as Moses ascends Mount Sinai for 40 days.

So please join me tonight at 7:30 pm and tomorrow morning at 9:30 am in-person and on Zoom for this special Shabbat Rosh Chodesh.

And join me in attending the next of our community Interfaith events on Sunday, February 11th at 10:30 am at the Unity Spiritual Center, 11122 US-19, Port Richey, FL 34668, just north of Ranch Road on the northbound side of Route 19. The theme will be "Joys of Judaism" and I will be joined by Unity's Rev Judi Elia and by Joy Katzen-Guthrie. In her time in our region, Judi has done much to foster interfaith harmony and participation.

Joy is known throughout our region as a composer/lyricist, singer/songwriter, teacher, etc. We recently had the honor of hearing her beautiful renditions of Hanukkah music and I have had the honor of appearing as a guest on her renown Sunday Simcha show on WMNF radio in Tampa. Through song, talk, and prayer, hope to convey why we feel joy in our embracing of Judaism. All are welcome to join us in what should be a stimulating and joyful experience. Hope to see you there!

Finally, a heads up that Chris and I will be celebrating my Bar Mitzvah anniversary (Parashat Terumah) and our birthdays with a Kiddush luncheon with a Middle Eastern Mediterranean theme on Shabbat morning February 17th. We will also be observing the Yahrzeit of my beloved Tante Rachel of blessed memory, so it is important that we have a minyan to recite the Kaddish prayer.

Shabbat Shalom/Chodesh Tov!

Ron Becker

Spiritual Leader



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