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Weekly Message 03.17.2023 Parashat Vayakhel-Pekudei

Parashat Vayakhel-Pedudei Exodus 35:1-40:38

2nd Torah - Exodus 12:1-20

Vayakhel (and he gathered)

Pekudei (amounts of)

HafTorah - Ezekiel 45:18 - 46:15

Dear friends,

As we approach the festival of Passover, we have come to the last of the special Shabbat celebrations--Shabbat HaChodesh. This awesome Shabbat is always observed on the Shabbat immediately preceding the month of Nisan or if the Shabbat occurs on the 1st day of Nisan, then on Rosh Chodesh itself. There is something very special about celebrating the beginning of the month that contains Pesach, the most celebrated holiday of the Hebrew calendar. More people (Jews and Gentiles alike) observe at least some aspect of the holiday and plan a Passover seder than observe the High Holy Days 0f Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur! It is on this holiday that we actually "live" the holiday, i.e. through the Seder ritual, we vividly place ourselves in Egypt during the Exodus as if we are experiencing it directly and at the same time introduce our children and grandchildren to it—from generation to generation---l'dor v'dor! Please join me on Zoom at 5:30 pm on April 5th as we chant the Passover Hagadah together right up to when we serve the Seder meal. We will use the same "Maxwell House" edition of the Hagadah as last year and I will supplement it with commentary and good cheer!

Back to Shabbat HaChodesh, We will gather this evening at 7:30 pm and tomorrow morning at 9:30 am to read and study the end of the Book of Exodus, the combined portions of Vayakhel and Pekudei. In these portions, the Mishkan is funded, completed, and put into use to accompany the Children of Israel to the Promised land, and the priestly vestments are described in all their glory. We then read Chapter 12 of the Book of Exodus which commands us to celebrate the new month of Nisan as the "first of months" together with the commandment to observe Passover for seven days and for all time, for us and for all of our descendants in perpetuity. We then chant a special Haftorah for Shabbat HaChodesh consisting of Chapters 45 and 46 from the Prophet Yehezkel (Ezekeil) which reiterates the importance of the month to come and the instructions for observing Pesach. So, there is much to read and study this Shabbat in-person or on Zoom. Please come and join us to make the minyan and to make Shabbat HaChodesh more meaningful and enjoyable.

At Solaris Rehab, I am getting healthier and stronger each day and looking forward to joining you again soon, perhaps less than two weeks from now if tests show that the infections and blood clots are gone or waning! Thanks again to Perry, Elliot, and Eileen for leading our services and adding much to our routine ritual. And thanks to all for your wonderful visits, cards, phone calls, and well wishes.

The annual Chasco Boat Parade will take place, Saturday, April 1st at 1 pm along the Cotee River and I expect to be sitting at the river in front of our home on Grand Boulevard between Vermont and Kentucky Avenues. You are all invited to join us there as usual immediately after services for a Shabbat afternoon of fun and fellowship. And feel free to bring a dairy lunch or dessert to share and lawn chairs if you prefer not to sit on the park benches. We'll provide the beverages, Railroad Square Bakery challah, and the parking!

See you in shul and at the river.

Shabbat Shalom!

Ron Becker,

Spiritual Leader



JCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Shabbat Services, Friday 03/17/2023 7:30pm

Time: Mar 17, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Passcode: 5QdVaA



JCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Saturday Service, 03/18/2023 9:30 am

Time: Mar 18, 2023 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 497 903 0958

Passcode: 5QdVaA


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