TSAV (command) Leviticus 6:1 - 8:36, Second Torah Numbers 19:1 - 22
HafTorah Ezekiel 36:16 - 36

Dear friends,
Thanks so much to all that helped make Purim such a joyous and meaningful holiday. First, thanks to all who attended our events---to those who joined me in volunteering at the Metropolitan Ministries Purim morning food distribution at Hudson High distributing food and other necessities to dozens of families in need: Janet Applefield, Chris Becker, Laura Bernas, Ana Calderon, Melissa Finelli, Eileen Hochstadt, Patrice Platteis, and Debbie Robinson.
Our synagogue volunteers at Metropolitan Ministries every month and encourage more to join us in this important mitzvah. Our next session will be on Thursday, April 25th. To sign up, please follow this link: http://jcc.metromin.volunteerhub.com/ And thanks to all who contributed funds to help feed the needy during this season.

And thanks to those who helped make our Purim social hour and Megillah reading so rewarding: Renir and Mark Silveira for baking the incredibly delicious and perfectly formed Hamantaschen and their granddaughter Zoey for her inspirational English readings from the Megillah; Aileen Spigelman for providing many flavors of ice cream and toppings; Eileen Hochstadt and Laura Bernas for setting up the Spigelman Room so beautifully; Barbara D Johson for Zooming the Megillah reading to those participating from home, near and far; to the Cohen family who years ago, donated our Megillah scroll in honor of their parents Shirley and Fred z"l Cohen, and Ellie z"l and Bob z"l Geyer) who meant so much to us during the early years of our synagogue; and of course to all who attended!

So, now we turn our attention to preparations for Passover and this Shabbat we observe Shabbat Parah, or the Sabbath of the Red Heifer. Shabbat Parah occurs shortly after Purim and marks the beginning of formal preparations for Passover. The reading from the second scroll, Bamidbar, 19:1-22 discusses a ritual of purification involving a red heifer, the Parah Adumah. Specifically, the ritual purified those who participated so that they would be purified for the Korban Pesach, the Passover sacrifice. We don't perform sacrifices today, but through this special Shabbat, we begin to become ritually "ready" for the Passover festival. Our special Haftorah for this Shabbat is from the Prophet Ezekiel 36:16-38 is chosen for its references to ritual purification as well. The reading from the first scroll is from the portion of Tsav in the Book of Leviticus (Vayikra) and stresses the sacrifice offerings and services to be performed by Aaron and his sons in the Mishkan and later in the Temple. Please join me tonight at 7:30 pm and tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 9:30 am in-person and virtually on Zoom
I have just returned from the Winn Dixie on Swann Avenue in the Hyde Park section of Tampa which has placed its huge Passover selections in front of the store. We were able to purchase all of our Passover food and wine there. This year, we bought bottles of Gabriele Pinot Noir vintage 2021 imported from Italy and Terra Vega Cabernet Sauvignon vintage 2022 imported from Chile. We will bring a bottle to our community seder to share.
We are preparing spiritually by attending services on the Shabbatot between now and Passover including Shabbat Parah, Shabbat HaChodesh, and Shabbat Hagadol, and physically by preparing and koshering our homes. And for the first time since Covid stymied us, we will be holding an in-person Passover Seder on the second night of the festival, Tuesday, April 23rd. Please get your reservations in by the deadline of March 31st.
And I am happy to announce that thanks to a very generous offer from one of our longtime beloved members to subsidize anyone who cannot afford the cost of the food. Nobody will be turned away! If you need this assistance, please e-mail or call me. This will be kept completely confidential. Wishing you all continued happiness during the month of Adar as we are commanded to "increase our joy" and an uplifting and meaningful month of Passover preparation.
Shabbat Shalom!
Ron Becker,
Spiritual Leader
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Topic: Shabbat Service, Friday 03/29/2024 7:30 pm
Time: Mar 29, 2024 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Topic: JCC Saturday Service, March 30, 2024 9:30 am
Time: Mar 30, 2024 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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