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Weekly Message 04.05.2024 Parashat Shemini

Parashat Shemini (eigth) Leviticus 9:2 - 11:47

Second Torah - HaChodesh Exodus 12:1 - 20

Haf Torah - Ezekiel 45:18 -46:15

Dear friends,

We continue our increasingly intensive preparations for Passover this Shabbat with Shabbat HaChodesh where we once again read and study from two Torahs, the latter being the portion in Exodus (Chapter 12, verses 1-20) which details the Passover rituals.

Preceding this reading is the portion from Leviticus that details many of the laws of Kashrut. This can be summed up with the words of Rabbi Miriam Philips of Los Angeles, CA "The Torah and our tradition challenge us to seek a food practice in tune with the world, treating animals with dignity and showing gratitude to Hashem." Please join me as we continue to prepare for this important season together as a minyan. Services will be as usual in-person and virtually, on Zoom at 7:30 pm this evening and 9:30 am tomorrow morning.

Here is the schedule for the activities and services leading up to and including Passover.

Please mark your calendars and attend as many services as you can to assure a minyan!

April 5/6 Shabbat HaChodesh

April 19/20 Shabbat Hagadol

April 22 First Pesach Seder at home

April 23 Services 9:30 am including the declaration of Morid HaTal, praising Hashem for providing life-giving dew

April 23 at 6:30 pm Second Pesach Seder at the Synagogue (reservations must be made immediately

April 26/27 Shabbat Hol Hamoed Pesach (the Intermediate Sabbath) including the reading of Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs)

April 30 last Day of Pesach Services at 9:30 am including the Yizkor Memorial Service

We have received a generous offer from one of our members to cover the fee for anyone

unable to afford it, so please contact me or Eileen Hochstadt if you need it. It will be handled confidentially. Nobody should be turned away for lack of funds!)​

Looking forward to seeing you on this Shabbat HaChodesh as we anticipate the new

month of Nissan, the month of Passover, and seeing you at all of our Pesach activities and services.

Ron Becker,

Spiritual Leader



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Topic: Shabbat Service FRIDAY 04/05/2024 7:30 pm

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Topic: Saturday Service, 04/06/2024 9:30 am

Time: Apr 6, 2024 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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