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Weekly Message 04.08.2022 Parashat Metzora


Parashat Metzora (one being diseased) - Leviticus 14:1-15:33

HafTorah Kings II - 7:3 - 20

Dear friends,

We are about to experience Shabbat Hagadol (the great Sabbath) which means we are only a week away from celebrating Pesach.

According to tradition, in the year of the Exodus on the Shabbat prior to leaving Egypt, the Israelites were able to perform the pascal sacrifice without harassment from their taskmasters who earlier had punished them for doing so. Also, the Haftorah portion for this Shabbat from the Prophet Malachi contains the messianic prophesy of the great day (Hagadol) when the messiah will appear. It is the perfect introduction to the festival of Passover. Our Torah reading will be the portion of Metzora in the Book of Leviticus which continues the instructions regarding leprosy and related diseases and impurities. So, please join us tonight at 7:30 pm and tomorrow morning at 9:30 am to help make the minyan to celebrate Shabbat Hagadol.

By now, we are well underway both spiritually and physically in our preparations for Passover.

Please note these dates and times:

Monday, April 11th-we will be volunteering at Metropolitan Ministries 11:30 am - 1:30 pm


Friday, April 15th-we will be together virtually on Zoom for our reading of the Passover Haggadah 6 pm - 7 pm. There will not be a regular Shabbat service that evening.


Saturday, April 16th-Shabbat/Yom Tov services at 9:30 am including Hallel and the special prayer for "dew, precious dewl"


Tuesday, April 19th-we will receive a proclamation regarding the official observance of Yom HaShoah in the city from the Mayor of New Port Richey at the City Council meeting at 5919 Main Street at 7 pm. Please try to attend this very brief ceremony followed by a photograph of our receiving the proclamation.


Friday, April 22nd-Shabbat/Yom Tov evening service at 7:30 pm including the chanting of portions of Shir HaShirim (The Song of Songs).


Saturday, April 23rd--Shabbat/Yom Tov services at 9:30 am including the Yizkor (Memorial) Service on this last day of Passover.


Looking forward to seeing you this Shabbat and throughout the celebration of Pesach!

Ron Becker,

Spiritual Leader



JCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Shabbat Service

Time: Apr 8, 2022 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 497 903 0958

Passcode: 5QdVaA



JCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Saturday Service

Time: Apr 9, 2022 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 497 903 0958

Passcode: 5QdVaA


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