Dear friends,
With one of the most unusual Passover holidays now behind us, I hope you found meaning in this year's observances and appreciation for all that we have as well as determination to help make it better for all of us and those around us.
We will have our virtual evening service tonight, Friday, April 17th at 7:30 pm. As usual, you can join in by entering our web site and then pressing on the "f" key or go directly to and press on the video link. Your participation is very much appreciated and adds meaning to my observance of Shabbat and I hope, to yours as well! This week, we continue to read from the book of Leviticus with our portion being Shemini. In addition to descriptions of sacrifices and the consecration of Kohanim (priests), we read the origins of the dietary laws of Kashrut. Our adult education class has been arduously studying these laws as well as all of the other mitzvot. We hope to continue our studies in person as soon as the period of social isolation has ended or virtually, if the virus continues to plague us. But in the meantime, please read this weeks portion. I have Chumashim available with all of the text and commentary that you need. Just let me know if you need one. This week's Haftorah (also available in the Chumash) is from the prophet Samuel and details the arrival in Jerusalem of the Ark of the Lord containing the Torah. This week, we thank my old congregation (Neve Shalom in Metuchen, NJ) for inviting us to participate in their Yizkor service and am happy to acknowledge that a good number of you tuned in on Zoom. We are also invited to virtually attend their Yom Ha Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) observance on Monday April 20th at 6:30 pm and I hope to "see" many of you there as well. I will forward the details on how to log in from your computers or smart phones as soon as I have them. In the meantime, please continue to stay happy, healthy, and safe and stay in touch with your neighbors, family, and friends! Ron Becker Spiritual Leader