Parashat Korach Bamidbar (Numbers) 16:1 - 18:32
Korach - Baldness, Ice, Hail, Frost
HafTorah Samuel I 11:14 - 12:22

Dear friends,
As we enter the new month of Tammuz and the "dog days" of summer, we have much to be thankful for and look forward to the pandemic's end so that we can resume all our in-person activities. In the meantime, we are fortunate to have a healthy congregation physically and mentally, and that we continue to slowly but surely "open up".
I and the Finkelstein family thank all our congregants who attended the unveiling in memory of Mel. It was truly a moving experience and helped bond us as a holy, caring community. We have another opportunity this coming Sunday. June 13th at 11 am at Grace Memorial Gardens, 16931 US-19, Hudson, FL 34667 as we remember Rose Mitrani, beloved wife of Joseph Mitrani at the unveiling of her monument. Once again, we seek participants to help make the minyan so that Joe and I (I have yahrzeit for my father of blessed memory and need to say Kaddish on that day as well) can say the words of the Mourner's Kaddish inn memory of our loved ones, so please try to attend. The event will take place no longer than 1/2 hour.
This Shabbat, we read and study the portion of Korach in the Book of Bamidbar of our Torah. The story line is simple. Korach and his followers question Moses and Aaron's authority and stage an insurrection. They are then "swallowed up", i.e. killed and the rebellion ends. However, the meaning of the incident is far more complex. Did Korach et. al have the right to rebel? Is there a principal or justification? Did the "punishment fit the crime"? In our democracy, we are taught to question authority and tyranny. In our Haftorah from the Book of Samuel, we learn that the prophet fought against our having a King "above us" proclaiming that only Hashem is King and yet is required to anoint Saul to be that exact form of ruler. We will attempt to delve into these weighty issues at our Shabbat religious services both in-person and on Zoom tonight at 7:30 pm and tomorrow morning at 9:30 am. I hope to see you there and then!
And, for your calendar, we are privileged to be hosting the baby naming of Aurora Saturn Shapiro-Reynolds, daughter of Marcy and Gary, and granddaughter of Lucy and Elliot Shapiro. Aurora will be receiving her Hebrew name when her family is called to the Torah for an aliyah at our Saturday morning service in just two weeks, June 26th. Please plan to attend either in-person or virtually to share this wonderful life experience with your religious family at the JCC.
Shabbat Shalom,
Ron Becker,
Spiritual Leader
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Topic: Shabbat Service
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Topic: Saturday Morning Service
Time: Jun 12, 2021 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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