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Weekly Message 06.24.2022 Parashat Shelach Lecha

Parashat Shelach Lecha (Send or Send to You) Numbers 13:1 - 15:41

HafTorah Joshua 2:1 - 24

Dear friends,

I hope you have had a pleasant first week of summer. I spent much of the week driving with Chris to New Jersey, spending time with my sister and other relatives, seeing my son and his new girlfriend, and seeing my oldest grandson for the first time since the pandemic began and meeting his girlfriend for the first time. I flew home last night, and Chris remains in NJ working on fixing up and selling our old home there. We'll all meet up again at the beach in Delaware in late July/early August after which the High Holy Days will be almost upon us!

I am looking forward to this Shabbat's services as we read the portion of Shelach Lecha in the Book of Bamidbar. It is the famous telling of the story of the spies sent out to see the Promised Land and report back. We know the sad result of the report of a beautiful land of "milk and honey", but the fear of the inhabitants exhibited by ten of the twelve spies. Only Joshua and Caleb present optimism that the land can be occupied and conquered if necessary. The others are still stymied with their mentality of former slaves who cannot bring themselves to understand what it means to be a free, confident, self-governing people. We can apply the lessons learned to our own times and what we are currently facing. In the words of Rabbi Joseph Skloot, " our lives arent' all that different from those of the spies. In our relationships, our families, our professions, so often we see what we want to see and miss contrary evidence staring us right in the face. The message of our Torah portion is that a land of milk and honey awaits us only if we relinquish our preconceptions".

Please join us for services tonight at 7:30 pm and tomorrow morning at 9:30 am as we explore this theme and on Shabbat morning, we will celebrate Barry Cohen's Bar Mitzvah anniversary with a special Shabbat luncheon for all those in attendance. We will of course, zoom the services out virtually as well.

The funeral of our beloved friend Elly Doff appears to be scheduled for Monday, June 27th at 1 pm at Beit Olam cemetery, 12609 Memorial Drive, Trinity, FL 34655 just off of Route 54. I am waiting for final confirmation and will be back to you as soon as I receive it

Also, please save the dates for next Shabbat, July 1/2. On Friday evening, Danielle Merkle will be celebrating a special birthday and sponsoring the Oneg Shabbat dessert treats. On Saturday, we will be celebrating the Aufruf on Rebecca Price and Alex Baxter on the Shabbat immediately prior to their wedding. The Kiddush luncheon to follow is sponsored by Rebecca's father Ira Price in honor of this wonderful occasion. All are welcome!

See you in shul!

Ron Becker,

Spiritual Leader



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Topic: Shabbat Services

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Topic: Saturday Service

Time: Jun 25, 2022 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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