Parashat Shlach Lecha (send) Numbers 13:1 - 15:41
HafTorah Joshua 2:1 - 24
Dear friends,
On this special Shabbat we celebrate the Bar Mitzvah anniversary of our dear friend and Synagogue Board member Barry Cohen with a delicious Shabbat lunch immediately following services Saturday morning. Barry and Paula invite all to partake in their joy!
This week is a week of turning points in the Torah. Our portion, Shlach Lecha, centers around the story of a dozen spies representing the tribes of the children of Israel sent to scout out the Promised Land and return with a report for the multitude that is making its way through the wilderness to the land. We know the story. Ten spies tell of the wonderful land but fear the inhabitants and are certain that the Israelites will be annihilated by them. Two spies, Joshua and Caleb bring back a report that the land can be conquered with Hashem's help because "Adonai is with us". Unfortunately, the "majority report" prevails among the multitude who once again murmur that they would be better off returning to Egypt and thus to slavery. For Moses and Hashem, this is the "last straw". It is declared that all those who left Egypt as adults with the exception of Joshua and Caleb would wander in the wilderness until their death and thus, they would not live to enter the Promised Land due to their obstinance and complete lack of faith even after being completely sustained and witnessing Hashem's miracles in Egypt and in the wilderness.
There is so much to learn from Shlach Lecha. The ten cowardly spies likely entered the land of Israel with fear and preconceived notions of dependency and complete lack of confidence. Thus, they saw exactly the same land and people that Joshua and Caleb did but came to a completely opposite and negative conclusion. In our own lives, we all too often see what we want to see and miss out on what will improve our lives and our relationships with others. This applies to countries as well as individuals. It is only when we abandon our preconceived notions that we are better able to understand the world around us
Please join us tonight at 7:30 pm and Saturday at 9:30 am. And help Barry celebrate his Bar Mitzvah anniversary as we honor him at our Kiddush luncheon. See you then and there!
Ron Becker,
Spiritual Leader
________________________________________________________________ ATTENTION:
And it is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you of the death of our longtime member and very dear friend, Shirley Cohen, mother of Phil Cohen. We remember a dear, kind person who together with her late husband Fred, z”l was an inspiration to us all. The funeral will take place in Pennsylvania on Sunday, June 30th. We will host a short prayer service during the shiva week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, July 1-4 at the synagogue at 7 pm each evening. Please try to attend one or more evenings so that we can have a minyan for the family to say Kaddish. We will also make the services available virtually on Zoom. Our sincere condolences to Phil and Amy and the entire Cohen family on this great loss and may they be comforted together with all mourners.
There will be one zoom link set up for all 4 nights. Watch for email on Sunday morning.
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Topic: Shabbat Services, Friday 06/28/2024 7:30 pm
Time: Jun 28, 2024 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Topic: Saturday Service, 06/29/2024 9"30 am
Time: Jun 29, 2024 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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