Nitzavim (one's standing)-Vayelech (then he went out) Deuteronomy 29:9-31:30
HafTorah Isaiah 61:10-63:9

Dear friends,
As we approach the High Holy Days with Rosh Hashanah now just a little over a week away, a full weekend of activities awaits us.
We begin with our traditional Friday night Shabbat service at 7:30 pm on September 11th and continue with Havdalah at the end of Shabbat at 7:30 pm on Saturday September 12th followed by the traditional Selichot service. Both will be available on Zoom as well as in person. If you will be Zooming in on Saturday for Selichot, it is imperative that you pick up a blue Selichot prayer book from the office or from me.
Since the office is closed on Fridays and after 1 pm today, please try to get to the synagogue by 1 pm this afternoon or at services on Friday evening to get yours. Of course, this isn't necessary if you will be attending in person. Here are the log-in instructions for the Friday night Shabbat service . A separate email will follow with log in instructions for Saturday night.
JCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Shabbat Services
Time: Sep 11, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 497 903 0958
Passcode: 5QdVaA
Then on Sunday, September 13th beginning at 11 am, we will gather at our cemeteries to fulfill the mitzvah of Zachor (Remembrance) by chanting the Eil Molei Rachamim prayer in front of the gravesites of our family and friends. Because of the virus, most of us (including me) are unable to travel to the burial places of our loved ones, so even if you don't have family/friends buried in one of the three cemeteries we will be visiting, please feel free to attend one of the sessions and I will chant the appropriate prayer with you. Here is the schedule:
11 am Beit Olam Cemetery at Trinity Memorial Gardens, 12609 Memorial Dr, Trinity, FL 34655
12:15 pm Grace Memorial Gardens, 16931 Us Highway 19 North, Hudson, FL 34667
2:30 pm National Cemetery, 6502 S.W. 102nd Avenue, Bushnell, FL 33513
Please let us know if you need a ride to any of these locations and please remember to wear a mask and observe social distancing at these and all of our in-person events.
Our Torah reading this Shabbat is the double portion of Nitzavim/Vayeilech. We are rapidly approaching the end of the Book of Deuteronomy and thus the end of the Torah. Moses gathers the multitude of people for his farewell address imploring them to choose good over evil as they cross into the Promised Land led by Joshua. Moses repeats the word of God "I make this covenant, with its sanctions, not with you alone, but both with those are standing here with us this day before the Eternal our God and with those who are not with us here this day”. Thus as we approach the most holy season of the year, the time in which we take account of our actions and strive to do better, we realize that this message is very much meant for us today as it was to our ancestors so long ago. We also read chapter 63 of the Prophet Isaiah, the last of the Haftorahs of Consolation.
I am looking forward to seeing you either in-person or on Zoom at one or more of this important weekend's events.
Best wishes,
Ron Becker,
Spiritual Leader