Parashit Bereshit (in the beginning) Genesis 1:1 - 6:8
HafTorah Isaiah 42:5 - 21

Dear friends,
The Holy Days are now behind us, and we now look forward to a year of being together to study, to pray, and to serve.
But first, thanks to all who made the holidays (from Selichot to Rosh Hashanah, to Shabbat Shuva, to Yom Kippur, to Succot, to Hoshanah Rabbah, to Shemini Atzeret, and finally to culminate with Simchat Torah) so special, welcoming, and accesible for all. And all of these within the space of just one calendar month!
So now we can take a break from festivals and make good on our resolutions for the new year of 5782. We begin reading the Torah anew, with new experiences and new insights as we traverse the five books of Moses reading the third triennial of each portion starting with Bereshit (Genesis)--in the beginning. We will read chapter 5 which includes the genealogy from Adam and Eve until Noah and ends in disaster with the first few lines of chapter 6
The LORD saw how great was man’s wickedness on earth, and how every plan devised by his mind was nothing but evil all the time.
And the LORD regretted that He had made man on earth, and His heart was saddened.
The LORD said, “I will blot out from the earth the men whom I created—men together with beasts, creeping things, and birds of the sky; for I regret that I made them.”
But Noah found favor with the LORD.
This marks the first instance of human beings not respecting each other or the good earth that was given to them and of course, it led to its near destruction. Since biblical times, this pattern has been repeated over and over with slightly less consequences than the great flood, but nonetheless, we have damaged our earth and challenged God's patience over and over throughout history. Let this year be the one where we reverse the trend!
Please join us at 7:30 pm this evening and 9:30 am tomorrow (Saturday) morning for services and study.
The first good opportunity to make good on the service part of our mission for 5782 is to once again, join with Metropolitan Ministries to distribute food and toys to families in need at their central headquarters on Route 19 in Holiday opposite the Sun Toyota dealership. Approximately 90 volunteers are needed to work one or more three-hour shifts on the following dates and times:
November 18 through 24
December 10-12
December 16-19
December 22-24
8:40-11:45 am or 11:15 am-2:30 pm or 2-5:15 pm on weekdays or on Sunday 10:45 am-2:15 pm or 1:45-5:15
Please let me know by e-mail or phone as soon as possible, if you can volunteer for one or more shifts and think of what an enjoyable mitzvah this is for a community of faith. Not only will you be providing food and toys, but HOPE for those in need. I will then forward your name and contact information to the volunteer services coordinator Stacey Wyman at Metropolitan Ministries.
See you in shul!
Ron Becker
Spiritual Leader
813-585-2286 cell
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