Parashah - Bereishit (in the begining) Genesis 1:1 - 6:8
HafTorah - I Samuel 20:18-42

Dear friends,
Now that the fall yom tovim (holidays) are behind us, it's time to begin anew. And this Shabbat Bereshit is the Shabbat of reawakening and of new beginnings.
We learn from the very beginning of the Torah, that we have been blessed with all the advantages (and disadvantages) of free will. We are free to make decisions, but we must also be responsible for the consequences of those decisions and not blame others. When confronted by God, Adam blames his wife Eve , and Eve in turn blames the serpent for encouraging her to eat the forbidden fruit. Finally, Cain pretends to not know where his slain brother is. The message is clear and continues the theme of Yom Kippur. We have all made (and will continue) to make unwise decisions, but we must own up to them and strive to do better, not only on Yom Kippur but always.
This is also a significant Shabbat in that it occurs on the day before the new month (Rosh Chodesh) of Cheshvan. In recognition, we read a special Haftorah from the Book of I Samuel, the story of David and Jonathan, one of the most well-known stories of friendship and loyalty in the Torah and anywhere. Jonathan too must make a critical decision and he defies his father King Saul who is planning to kill David in a fit of jealousy. Jonathan warns his dear friend knowing full well that the consequences will be that David, and not Jonathan will succeed Saul as ruler of the Hebrew nation.
I am looking forward to greeting you all on Zoom or in person, tonight (Friday) at 7:30 pm and tomorrow morning, 9:30 am to daven (pray) together and continue this discussion.
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Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov (a good month) to you all.
Ron Becker,
Spiritual Leader