Dear friends,
I hope you had a wonderful, happy, and meaningful Thanksgiving with family and friends. I made the annual trek to Lakeland to observe and celebrate the day with old Rutgers colleagues. We are now embarking on a new Hebrew month (Kislev) and have a big Shabbat weekend ahead! Our weekly Torah reading is Toldot, the story of Isaac and Rebecca and their sons Jacob and Esau.
There is much to learn about family relationships and child-rearing and I will be speaking on how important this is to all of us at services on Friday at 7:30 pm. Then on Saturday, we read from the Torah and afterward we will enjoy a delicious luncheon sponsored by Gary and Judy Brevoort in memory of their beloved daughter at her Yahrzeit. Please help us make the minyan to ensure that Gary will be able to say Kaddish in her memory and then join together for a meal and fellowship on this important holiday weekend!
We top off the weekend with our Sunday morning class starting at 11 am. We will continue on our quest to study and understand the 613 mitzvot!
See you in shul, Ron
Ron Becker, Spiritual Leader