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Weekly Parshah Study 8.30.19

Updated: Sep 19, 2019

Dear friends, 

As we begin to get ready for the High Holy Days which will be upon us before we know it, we will continue our discussions and reading of the Book of Deuteronomy at Friday evening's service (beginning at 7:30 pm) and Saturday morning (service begins at 9:30 am).  This week we read and study Parashat Eikev and will begin our reading with one of the most famous passages in the Torah.

What does the Lord require of you?  Only to walk in God's ways, to love God, and to serve the Lord (and all people and the land) with all your heart and with all your soul.  And to keep for your good, the commandments of the Lord.

Very simple words and yet they summarize our beliefs and our desire to make this a good earth, and for all of us, a holy nation.  Our Haftorah, the readings from the Prophets will be from Isaiah chapters 49-51 and marks the second Haftorah of Consolation (the second of seven) between Tisha B'Av and Rosh Hashanah.

Because a number of our members are still on vacation or away for the summer, we look forward to your participation in helping to make a minyan. 

With best wishes,


Ronald Becker

Spiritual Leader

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