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Weekly Parshah Study 9.20.19


Wishing you all a great Shabbat weekend!

Dear friends, 

As we are now only a little over a week from observing and celebrating the High Holy Days, we have a special Shabbat weekend to help us better prepare for them.  Our Torah reading is from the book of Deuteronomy, Parashat Ki Tavo.   The children of Israel are standing at the river in anticipation of crossing into the promised land.  Moses continues his discourses as he prepares to take his leave from the people he has faithfully led for so many years from slavery to freedom.  The Israelites are instructed to express their gratitude to God for their bountiful harvests and freedom from slavery by tithing ten percent of their crops for the Levite, the stranger, the orphan, and the widow. The Israelites are told that if they obey God's mitzvot faithfully, they will receive every blessing imaginable. They are also told that if do not fulfill their covenant with God and with each other, many curses will descend upon them.  Finally, Moses reminds the Israelites of the miracles they witnessed in the wilderness and commands them to observe the terms of the covenant so that they may succeed in all that they undertake.   As we approach the High Holy Days and bid farewell to the year 5779, we too stand at the border and are about to cross into the new year of 5780.  We too must choose to be charitable and observe our commandments if we are to live a good life and take care of our neighbors and our earth.  To remind us, we will chant Selichot prayers on Saturday night and explore ways in which we can all improve ourselves, our community, and the world around us.

Please join us for services on Friday evening at 7:30 pm, Saturday morning at 9:30 am, and Saturday evening at 7 pm for pizza, other refreshments and a chance to chat with and enjoy the company of our fellow congregants and 8 pm for participatory Selichot prayers.

Wishing you all a great Shabbat weekend and the best always,

Ron Becker, Spiritual Leader

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