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Weekly Shabbat Message 10.25.19

This year we will be chanting the first 1/3rd of each portion which means this Shabbat's reading is the story of Creation.

Dear Friends,

Now that all of the 5780 Yom Tovim are behind us, I would like to thank all who made them possible and to let you know how much I enjoyed sharing them all with you.  We have a loving, caring community and I'm looking forward to participating in our full range of activities in this new year.

We will launch the first Shabbat of the new season by starting our Torah reading from the very beginning.  Chapter 1, Verse 1 (Bereshit--in the beginning).  This year we will be chanting the first 1/3rd of each portion which means this Shabbat's reading is the story of Creation.  Each year we approach the reading of the same words of the Torah, but with another year of maturity, understanding, wisdom, and compassion behind us. Thus the same words bring new meaning and insights.  This will be the topic of my d'var Torah at tonight's (Friday) service beginning at 7:30 pm and tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 9:30 am.

Also, we begin the year with our annual Congregation meeting on Sunday morning at 10 am.  We are very much looking forward to a great attendance and participation at this meeting.  We want to hear your ideas about how we are doing, what we can do better, future programming and activities, and our role in the greater Jewish and secular communities. 

Please make every effort to attend what should be a lively and informative discussion and enjoy some refreshments while you are here.

Looking forward to spending this "first" Shabbat weekend with you and wishing you the best always, Ron

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