DUE To COVID-19 Corona Virus, the JCC Board of Directors decided it is in the best interest for all concerned to suspend all On-Site Shabbat Services. Instead, we will Live Stream Services via FACEBOOK LIVE, Friday night 7:30 pm until further notice.
Simply log on to the JCC West Pasco Facebook page to view or log into your own Facebook page and look for a message saying JCC West Pasco is now live. If you cannot watch on Friday night the video will be archived to watch at a time convenient for you. To watch archived videos, go to JCC West Pasco Facebook page and click on video
There will be no Sunday School/Hebrew School classes until further notice.
The Board will meet again at the end of the month to re-evaluate the situation and will send out a communication at that time.
The second night community Passover Seder is also cancelled.
Let’s all pray that everyone stays well and that this Virus passes quickly.
Eileen Hochstadt
Presi dent JCC