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Weekly Message 01.10.20


Dear friends,

I would like to begin my weekly message by thanking all who helped to make the minyan at the funeral on Tuesday afternoon so that the bereaved family could say Kaddish. I am so proud of our community for stepping up to help others in need at all times.

We have a big schedule of activities this Shabbat weekend beginning with our monthly community Shabbat service and dinner tonight (Friday) at 6:30 pm. We will follow our brief evening service with a delicious meal complete with traditional blessings and song.

Then at services on Saturday morning at 9:30 am, Mark Land will celebrate the 23rd anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah by chanting his Bar Mitzvah Haftorah from the Book of Kings Chapter 2 whereby in the waning moments of his life, King David passes the leadership of the Hebrew nation to his son King Solomon. Likewise, our Torah readings are from the portion of Vayechi whereby in the waning moments of his life, our Patriarch Jacob passes the leadership of his family to Joseph and his brothers. We thank the Land family for sharing this wonderful anniversary with us and in sponsoring the luncheon that will follow the service.

Then on Sunday, we continue our study of the 613 Mitzvot and their derivations in our Scripture at our adult education class which begins at 11 am. We have had lively, meaningful discussions and invite anyone to attend even if you haven't attended previously. The class will be followed at 12 noon with Eileen Hochstadt's adult beginning Hebrew reading class.

Then on Monday, for all who are interested, the New Port Richey Public Library is beginning a Monday afternoon series entitled The Joys and Oys, a class featuring the history and culture of the Yiddish language. The class will meet from 1 until 2 pm and is at the library at 5939 Main Street in downtown New Port Richey.

So again we have a full Shabbat weekend of interesting and exciting activities. I hope that you will be able to join us for any or all of them and I look forwarded to greeting you and sharing them with you.

Shabbat Shalom!

Ron Becker

Spiritual Leader

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