Parashat Beshalach :when (he) let go", Exodus 13:17-15:26, Numbers 28:19-19-25
HafTorah II Samuel 22:1-51
Dear friends,
I hope you are continuing to enjoy the Passover holiday and not tired of eating matzoh quite yet! We so enjoyed zooming the first seder with you. It had much additional meaning for us to share it (albeit just the Haggadah reading and not the food) with our congregational family and we hope that it was a good experience for you and your families as well.
This Shabbat is a special one in that it is both Shabbat and Yom Tov! We will hold our services on zoom at the usual times (7:30 pm tonight and 9:30 am tomorrow morning). Tomorrow (Saturday) morning, we will have our Passover Yizkor (remembrance) service as we recall those family members and friends who have passed away and had an influence in our lives (L'dor v'dor -- from generation to generation). We will also chant songs of praise--the Hallel to celebrate this special Shabbat Yom Tov. Our Torah study will be from the Book of Exodus, portion of Beshallach, more specifically, the miracle of the crossing of the Sea of Reeds. The Haftorah that we will be chanting is from the second book of Samuel. Just as the Torah reading celebrates the crossing of the sea with a song of appreciation (the Song of Miriam and Moses), the Haftorah that we will be chanting from the second book of Samuel celebrates King David's victories over his enemies at home and abroad during the early years of his reign with a song of appreciation.
And finally, we have been invited by my New Jersey Jewish community to commemorate Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) together with them on Thursday, Apiil 8th at 7 pm. In order to attend, please click on the link in the attachment or the one below on April 8th any time after 6 pm.
Looking forward to seeing you at services tonight and tomorrow!
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Pesach Sameach!
Ron Becker
Spiritual Leader
JCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Shabbat Service
Time: Apr 2, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 497 903 0958
Passcode: 5QdVaA
JCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Saturday Morning Service
Time: Apr 3, 2021 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 497 903 0958
Passcode: 5QdVaA
Thursday 4.8.2021
The Metuchen-Edison Area Interfaith Clergy Association
and the Jewish Community Center of Middlesex County
Invite You to Attend Our Annual
Thursday April 8, 2021 @ 7:00 PM
JCC Facebook page and the MEAICA Facebook page
Join us via Zoom
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Meeting ID: 822 7760 3451 Passcode: XuV6Hk
The theme of this year’s program is
Embracing Kindness, Compassion and Courage”
We invite the entire community to join together to remember all
those who perished, with the promise that we will never forget