Parashat Ha'azinu - Deuteronomy 32:1-52
HafTorah - Hosea 14:2 - 10, Micah 7:18-20, Joel 2:15 - 16

Looking East from Mouint Nebo
Dear friends,
I begin by wishing you all once again, a happy, healthy 5784 and a year of peace and tranquility. I also want to thank all who helped make our Selichot and Rosh Hashanah services run smoothly and meaningful for all who participated---for providing food and beverages for the social hour prior to Selichot and for after morning services on Rosh Hashanah, mailing Selichot pamphlets and High Holyl Days Machzorim to those who are participating on Zoom, swapping out the Siddurim and Chumashim for the High Holy Days Machzorim in the sanctuary pews, helping with services on the Bimah, bringing food and drink for our Tashlich reception, and most importantly, for helping us clean up afterward! It takes an entire community to ensure the success of our services, programs, and activities!
We are now about to observe Shabbat Shuva, the Sabbath of Repentance that takes place between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and the 4th Bar/Bat Mitzvah anniversary of our last adult B'nai Mitzvah class. We will celebrate by hearing them chant the special Haftorah for Shabbat Shuva, the only one with multiple prophets Micah, Joel, and Hosea which follows the Torah reading of the portion of Ha'azinu, Moses' final song to the Hebrew nation prior to his leaving the scene and Joshua's ascendency to lead the Children of Israel into the Promised Land. Afterwards, those celebrating their anniversary (Ana Calderon, Barbara D. Johnson, Barbara E. Johnson, and Art Simon) invited you to partake in a delicious Kiddush luncheon that they are sponsoring. Please make every effort to attend and support our adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah program and consider being part of the next class. And if you have already been a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, please consider chanting your Haftorah when the anniversary occurs in 5784---I am always available to help guide you through that process!
With Sukkot right around the corner, please come to the synagogue on Sunday morning, September 24th (Erev Yom Kippur) at 10 am to decorate the Sukkah. You can bring your own decorations or just come over and help install the synagogue's. Chris and I will be bringing the Shona Tova cards that we received to hang in the Sukkah, a long tradition in our family and former shul in New Jersey. There will be coffee/tea and goodies to help sustain us. I realize that it's erev Yom Kippur, but it's the only Sunday between now and Sukkot. The more that come to help out, the quicker it will be and the more time to prepare for Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur.
Speaking of Yom Kippur, please be at the synagogue by 6:30 pm at the latest on Sunday evening so that we can begin Kol Nidre on time and complete it before sundown. Danielle Merkle will once again lead us in that stirring service. Yom Kippur services will begin at 9:30 am on Monday, September 25th with the preliminary service, Shacharit, Torah reading, and Musaf services. The Haftorah by the prophet Isaiah is one of the most relevant and one of my favorites as it urges us to go beyond fasting and asking for forgiveness on this holy day and not return to our old ways immediately after.
The day continues with Mincha at 6:15 pm which includes the reading of the entire Book of Jonah. Yizkor at approximately 6:45 pm, Neila at approximately 7:15 pm, and Havdalah followed by our newly revived and renown Break Fast at 8 pm. All services will be available virtually on Zoom.
Please join us for Shabbat Shuva, Sukkah decorations, and Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur on this very special Shabbat and Holy Day weekend, Ron
Ron Becker
Spiritual Leader
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Topic: Erev Shabbat Shuva, Friday 09/22/2023 7:30 pm
Time: Sep 22, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Topic: Shabbat Shuva, Saturday 09/23/2023 9:30 am
Time: Sep 23, 2023 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Topic: Kol Nidre, Sunday 09/24/2023 6:30 pm Maariv 7:15 pm
Time: Sep 24, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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JCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Yom Kippur, Morning 9:30 am, Mincha 6:15 pm thru Havdalah 8:00pm
Time: Sep 25, 2023 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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