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Weekly Message 12.03.2021 Parashat Mekeitz

Parashat Mekeitz 1st - Torah-Genesis 41:1 - 44:17

2nd -Torah-Numbers 28:9 -15

3rd - Torah-Numbers 7:42 - 47

HafTorah Zacharia 2:14 - 4:7

The Glory of Joseph by Jacques Tissot - Jewish Museum New York, 1896

Dear friends,

Happy Hanukkah and Chodesh Tov! I hope you are enjoying this wonderful holiday.

For starters, I would like to thank all those who participated in last Sunday's visit to the Windsor Woods rehab and Atria Windsor Woods assisted living. It was so good to spend time with our matriarch Mary Gaines who very much appreciated our presence as we reminisced, sang Hanukkah tunes, ate potato latkes and sufganyot (jelly donuts) and then lit the first Hanukkah candle together. We then repeated it at the assisted living center where at least twenty residents participated with us. Again, thanks for performing this critically important mitzvah. Many of the residents feel isolated and rarely get visitors, so to dedicate part of an afternoon of cheer means the world to them.

We are entering a very special and rare Shabbat when the moon and sun align so that Hanukkah and Rosh Chodesh (the first day of the new month of Tevet) fall on the same day. As a result, we will be reading from three Torahs on Shabbat morning---one for the weekly portion of Miketz (we read the third trienniel--Genesis 43:16-44:17---where Joseph who has already come to power in Egypt encounters his brothers for the first time since they sold him into slavery), one for the new month, and one for Hanukkah, both from the Book of Bamidbar (Numbers). In addition, we will chant Al HaNissim (giving thanks for miracles), read excerpts from the Book of Macabee, and sing the songs of Hallel (praise).

We will hold our services at 7:30 pm tonight and 9:30 am tomorrow morning as usual in-person and on zoom.

Then tomorrow (Saturday) night at 6 pm, you are invited to visit us in front of our home (6822 Grand Boulevard between Kentucky and Vermont Avenues in New Port Richey) on the Cotee River to watch the annual Boat Parade which of course features our very own highly decorated JCC craft captained by Jeff Hochstadt which will cruise down the river. We'll have chairs available, but you are welcome to bring your own folding chairs if you wish. Chris is frying up potato latkes and we'll have hot chocolate as well. We have spaces in our driveway and our neighbor's driveway for you to park, but carpooling is encouraged because parking along the river will otherwise be tight. Please come out to cheer on our Hanukkah boat and watch the other boats sail by. Let me know if you will be coming ( or 727-819-1278) so we'll know how many latkes to cook!

Hope to see you then and on Shabbat. And a reminder that you will have one last chance to see the beautiful Hanukkah display and purchase holiday goodies in the Spigelman Room on Sunday between 12 noon and 2 pm.

Again, Happy Hanukkah and Chodesh Tov!

Ron Becker,

Spiritual Leader



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Topic: Shabbat Service

Time: Dec 3, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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JCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Saturday Morning Service

Time: Dec 4, 2021 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 497 903 0958

Passcode: 5QdVaA

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