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Weekly Message 12.20.19

Dear friends,

Hanukkah weekend has arrived and the JCC will be the place to be throughout our celebration. We begin with services tonight (Friday) at 7:30 pm and continue with Shabbat morning services on Saturday at 9:30 am.

We will read Parashat Vayeshev which recounts the story of Joseph from the time of his being favored over all of his brothers in his youth, his being sold into slavery, and his early time in Egypt. Our Haftorah is a rare reading from the prophet Amos.

My d'var Torah Friday night will concern the dangers of favoritism and the evolution of Joseph from a menacing brat into a leader and ultimately the father of two sons (Ephraim and Menasseh) who epitomize love between brothers.

On Sunday morning, we will hold our adult education class by continuing to discuss the 613 Mitzvot.

After Eileen's adult Hebrew class, we will carpool to the assisted living center to sing Hanukkah songs and participate in the merriment of the holiday with the residents arriving there at 1 pm. Then at 5 pm, we all gather at the JCC for our Annual Menorah Lighting and Hanukkah Party with more song, great holiday food treats, and generally inaugurating this special holiday in style!

Please join us for this important ritual and in all of our many events.

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Hanukkah!

Ron Becker,

Spiritual Leader

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